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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>電源技術>大電流電感CSCF2014B- 100MC產品規格書下載

大電流電感CSCF2014B- 100MC產品規格書下載

2022-03-26 | pdf | 1.23 MB | 次下載 | 免費


Notice of Use 使用注意事項

10.1 Product in packing storage condition : temperature 5~40℃, RH≤ 70%. 產品在包裝中的保存條件:溫度 5~40℃,相對濕度小于等于 70%。 If taking out for use, the remaining products should be sealed in plastic bags and preserved in accordance with the above conditions, to avoid oxidation of terminals (electrodes), affecting soldering status. 如果取出使用,剩余的產品請用膠袋密封按照以上條件保存,避免端子(電極)氧化,影響焊接狀態。

10.2 A storage of Codaca Electronic products for longer than 12 months is not recommended, Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment. 科達嘉電子產品儲存期不建議超過12 個月,在其他影響下,端子可能會退化,導致焊接性差。 因此,所有產品應使用在 12 個月內以出貨日為基礎。

10.3 Do not keep products in unsuitable storage conditions, such as areas susceptible to high temperatures, high humidity, dust or corrosion. 請不要將產品保存于高溫、高濕、有塵埃、腐蝕性氣體的不適合環境中。

10.4 Always handle products with care. 請小心輕放,避免由于產品的跌落或取用不當而引致的損壞。

10.5 Don't touch electrodes directly with bare hands as oil secretions may inhibit soldering. Always ensure optimum conditions for soldering. 手上的油脂會導致可焊性降低,應避免用手直接接觸端子

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