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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC資料>IC中文資料>bosch bml050亮度和封裝等技術參數以及應用電路方案

bosch bml050亮度和封裝等技術參數以及應用電路方案

2017-09-02 | rar | 0.51 MB | 次下載 | 1積分



  bosch ?BML050既緊湊又節能,尤為適用于空間和功率受限的設備。BML050的創新投影技術摒棄聚焦調整任務,而且本地激光色彩空間大大超過包括Adobe?RGB在內的工業標準。

  bosch ?BML050中還裝有視頻處理器、控制電路、激光驅動器電源管理芯片。

  bosch bml050不僅僅可以應用在激光投影儀上,BML050還可為物聯網交互世界創建精準的按需用戶界面,例如用于家電產品、平板電腦與社交機器人。


  The BML050 microscanner is the first product within Bosch Sensortec’s new product family of optical microsystems. BML050 combines a compact wafer-level module package with the essential control circuits that are needed to implement a laser scanning projector. This includes:

  - MEMS scanning mirrors, encapsulated, optically aligned

  - Mirror control circuits, video processor and interface

  - Laser driver ICs and power management ICs

  The BML050 microscanner draws an image by deflecting a collimated laser beam line by line while modulating the laser according to each pixels brightness. The combination of three lasers (red, green, and blue) allows full color projections.

  The main benefits of this approach and its implementation in the BML050 are:

  - Focus-free projection – no need to adjust the focus, independent of the projection distance

  - Compact size combined with power efficiency, making the BML050 ideal for space- and power-restricted devices

  - Robust and well-established core technology for fast and simple integration

bosch bml050亮度和封裝等技術參數以及應用電路方案微型掃描儀,bml050,激光投影儀,博世

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